musical mobile
Hye... bizi sangat² last+this week sampai nk hapdet pun xsempat. Hmm.. Last Monday bawak Wafi g klinik for his vaccination yang 3 serangkai tu.. Seb baik g pagi². Xramai sgt org. Time sampai klinik die lapa, then gave him his milk. Nak abes sebotol die pun tido. Time masuk bilik doc die tgh tido. Senang la nk inject. Kne inject die eek sket je, pastu trus tido. Firstly risau gak, takut masuk kete kang die bangun. Camane aku nak drive. But, alhamdulillah.. Aku letak die kat seat die, Wafi tido dengan aman bahagianya.. Seb baik.... Sampai rumah umi, tukar tgn bagi kat umi barula die bangun.. Nangis.. dah rase sakit kott.. Ciannn anakku...
After sent him there, g kluang pulak. Send my dad's car to the workshop to make the NGV installation. Maybe 2-3 hari siap la kot. Pastu singgah jap BCB plaza tgk toys utk Wafi.. And, inilah hasil pencarianku itew:::
What I got was a musical mobile cap ayam je (but cheap+worth it ;)), a boom box--> radio with sounds when push it's button and a pop on toys. Act diz toys is still not for Wafi's age. Radio tu for 6 months infant, yang pop on tu untuk budak setahun and above, tapi oleh kerana Fisher price ade 70% less aku hangkut je la.. .Hehe.. aku pulak yg gile fisher price neh... Hehe.. Last week dah belikan die a toy from it too... Inilah gajahnye yang apabile dipicit hidungnye it will bounce+giggles.. (70% less too). So cute.. Hehe.. ;)
Sangatla hepi tgk Wafi sukee that elephant, musical mobile and the "Rock with Elmo" radio. Sangat tak ternilai the smile on his face when he look at the toys! Sampai his daddy called, aku bunyikan lagu tu kat hset, bagi ayah die geram dengar bunyi the toy+anak die gelak+nak jumpe anak die cepat sket.. ;p Okess.. Esok petang balik kampung. Pastu Jumaat petang Wafi's granpa+granny will send us to the airport for our flight at 7.50pm. Yeay! Wafi nak jumpe ayah!! ~+mummy die pon sukeee ;) Huhu.. Miss him soooooo+++ much!!!
Wafi n ayah
Zaman dolu²
amboi 70% off...biar betul..kat mana tu...:
Beli fisher price worth it tau..walaupun mahal..tapi baling tang mana pun tak pecah...
tu la pasal.. sebab tu beli. =) kat the store kluang. ala... 70% tu sebab dieorg nk abeskan stock.. ~tunggu gak kalo2 ade musical mobile fisher price rm300 less 70%. tapi tade punn.. hhehe ;p
wah2..syok btui die shopping skrg ni yek...bile la den nk shopping mcm tu..huhu...
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