We went to Pantai Hosp, sebelah convent BP. After the paed checked him, Wafi was sent to the x-ray room to snap the pic of his lung. Then the paed said that there was some jangkitan at his paru2. He need to admit. Hohoho.. aku bawak pampers 2 keping, baju Wafi sekeping n susu utk sekali minum saje. Blur kejap...
Alhamdulillah there's antie Jusco assisted us.. hehe.. After registered, we was sent to the ward. While Wafi is sleeping, I went back to da home to take all da stuffs. Antie Jusco jadi misi kejap jage Wafi. Ambik Antie Susu, then sampai hosp. smule pukul 3.15am. Then antie Jusco+Susu back home at 4am.
during nebulizer
Okess, to all readers esp. daddy, I'll update later okehh.. That's all for now.. So far today, on da 5th day, Alhamdulillah last nite Wafi's temperature is OK until juz now.. diz afternoon. Hopefully he'll be ok... Pity him.. Die dah bosan dok terkurung 4 hari ni.. Xdapat jalan mane2... Shiannnn.....
wafito cepat sembuh k
cian nyer wafi.. get well soon k dear..
alahai siannya baby wafi...jaga anak sedara aku tu bebaik tau..skrg die dah sihat oklah..demam die naik skit ko terusla bawa p klinik...bahaya tau demam panas ni..jg diri yek pai...
m@Ri@- thanx dear.. ko kne prepare kalo ade anak nanti.. hehe
mummy_adam- thanx dear, saye pun dah bosan dok lame2 kat wad ni.. Wafi pon dah boring
Anasfadilah- InsyaAllah... demam die dh ok, tunggu antibiotik abes je, sbb antibiotik masuk gune machine.. xley balik lg..
dia demam panas hek nadia.erm siannya dia.. baik2 tau jaga baby panas ni. jgn jadi macam kyra..
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