Diz is our activities around 17/12-26/12/08. Wafi's daddy wuz landed at Changi on 17/12. Then balik kampung atuk Johor dulu. On 19/12 three of us flight back to Penang meet atuk Kedah pulak. Normally bile naik flight Wafi xpenah buat hal. Tapi kali ni, sebab ade ayah die kot... Wafi cried almost half of the time in da flight. Naik² ok je, then flight da nak penuh, die nanges kuat²... Around 20 minutes, die berenti jap. Tengok ayah minum fresh orange, die pun sibuk minum gak. Pastu da nak sampai Penang die sambung nanges lagi.. Sabo je la... Menguji kesabaran betul... Maybe die nanges becoz of his constipation.. Cian Wafi... Before sampai rumah we had our picnic at Batu Feringghi dulu... Lame dah xmain pantai.. hehe..
Wajdi, Wafi n Apak
Model in training... ;p
3 of us
Ini pulak time anta Ashu nak naik bas kat S.P balik Kuantan. We had our dinner at Pizza. Wafi tido dari 5 minit klua dari rumah until sampai rumah semule.. Hahaha... Sungguhla rugi Wafito ini... Xnampak jalan langsung.
to-do-list 1) bayar instalment kete wira 2) bayar instalment kete kelisa 3) bayar credit card 4) bayar bsn 5) bayar prudential 6) bayar bil handset 7) g ambik pasport 8) bank in kat ayah ddy 9) bank in kat adik ddy 10) beli barang dapur rumah sewe 11) register subjek 12) kemas bilik 13) kemas brg Wafi utk letak rumah Umi
huhu.. sori antie jusco, aku tertido tadi.. konon² mlm ni nak pegi beli groceries, tidokan wafi n it end up with aku menidurkan diriku sendiri... hehehe...
adei... banyaknye bende nak buat... inilah rope ibu yang tertinggal oleh mr hubster... huahuahua.. ;(semue bende kne buat sendiri.. tade sape nak tolong..
mm... seb baik Wafito sudi menemaniku g BP tadi petang buat pasport.. (of course la die kene ikut.. sebab die pon kne wat same... hehe)
*gambar wafito di atas adalah gambar yang diambil tadi petang oleh ah so kedai gamba kat BP. tangan pule ialah tangan mama wafi...
gamba waktu cuti+waktu bercuti bersame ayah wafi akan kuhapdet later okeh....
kepada antie Maria. selamat pengantin baru... sori i can't attend your weds... hantar hubbyku balik+aku trus balik johor..
I've been tagged by Mama Ziyyad. N da tag is about diaper bag. Ehehe.. at last, berjaya jugak aku wat tag neh.. Sori ye Mama Ziyyad for submit this after da deadline.. ;p Okeh, everyone, diz is Wafi's diaper bag.
Dis bag is given by Antie Irda. Fyi, she'll getting engage this raya Qurban.. n we cannot attend it.. Huhu..sedeynye... Diz is what diz bag contains:
His diapers n shirts. Usually I put 2 pairs of shirts: 1 for day(in case he poops)+1 for after take his bath in da evening. N I also put a handkerchief in diz bag, this thing is to lap his saliva.. air liur die mengalir sebab die tade gigi lagi okehhh.. bukan sebab aku mengidam nak makan something xdapat...
Diz is his make up set (like his father which have his own make up set too... huhu.. kalahku...) Diz set contains of baby powder, soft comb, minyak yu yee cap limau, johnson baby oil for his hair n baby lotion
Then his toys... Aku xlarat nak ganti bateri kalo letak radio+gajah dalam beg ni.. heehe.. Ni je la his toys for da day, blocks n teether. Waiting for playmat that i've paid online belum sampai lagi...
After that his milk n nestum+rusks in da tupperware. Susu tu luar je friso, isi dalam die S26
Diz is da free milk from Dewan Bersalin Muslimah
Diz is da most important things, his bottles. Now skali minum he'll take about 180ml, 5-6 times per day
N da last thing is his baby bath+baby shampoo. Tak pedihkan mateee... I love da smells of da baby bath.. sedap... bau baby! Towel die memang tinggal je kat rumah babysitter die...
Okeh, that's all.. To all moms out there yang nak wat diz tag, u are invited!
Last nite we (Wafi, me, n antie Ball) went to Dewan Bersalin Muslimah (tempat tumpah darah Wafi). Hujan lebat sangat n sampai klinik around 8.50.. klinik pun nak tutup dah... Asked the nurses yg jage pintu (nak tarik rollershutter tu) doc ade lg tak.. die cakap ade, then kami pun register...
Masuk, ngn antie Ball skali (train die). ade Dr. Rosnah. Sembang² then as usual, b4 cucuk timbang Wafi dulu... Mak aihhhh... 7.8kg! Wah.. patutla aku xlarat nak dukung die dah. After that barulah inject wafi. Die tengah tido, kne cucuk, eeekkkk sket, pastu tido balik.. Alhamdulillah.. hihi... dok sembang² lagi, doc tanye makan susu ape, aku jawab la... S26. She replied, "elokla, kami pun ada banyak S26 ni...".. Hehe... N da result is... she gave us box of 200gX5.. Alhamdulillah... selamat stok susu sebulan aku... N it's a promotion.. kalo ok, pasni beli ngn die je la.. sekotak baru RM10 saje.... lebih murah dari market... Sape nak, kirim saye ye, tapi saye up harge.. kekekke....
~prezen from da clinic
N before balik jumpe nurse bersalinku, Marina. She's a nice person! :) Nanti before balik Johor mau jumpe ini nurse lagikk....
Wafi demam sket hari ni.. n it's normal baby kne cucuk demam... yg lepas² die sekali je demam. Baru ni nak demam lagi... Mak die pun demam+flu ni...
*Updated*Diz is da image of budak demam with cool fever. 1stly i'm forgot that I have dat thingy until antie Ball mentioned bout the cool fever. Credit to her.. hehe... ini gamba budak ni tengah tengok badminton tournament at my workplace.
hye, antie2 lame (antie susu+jusco) n yang lain2...
n da result is~ sleeping beauty after watching thomas cup
Hehe.. Wafi demam kne inject ke demam rindu ayah? Mommy pun demam jugeeee... Beringus saje hidungku.. uhuhuuu... mommy pun mau kne inject same Wafi ke?
Okehh.. here are some info about Hep-B...
USES: This vaccine causes the body to produce protective levels of hepatitis B antibodies which will protect against infection from hepatitis B virus. This vaccine is recommended for persons of all ages, especially those at an increased risk of getting the infection. Those at an increased risk include health care personnel; laboratory workers handling blood and patient specimens; police, fire and emergency medical personnel who render first aid treatment; hemophiliacs; household and intimate contacts of persons with persistent hepatitis B infections; persons with multiple sex partners; homosexuals; prostitutes; IV drug abusers; persons traveling to high risk areas.
HOW TO USE: This medication is given by a health care professional as an injection into the thigh or upper arm muscle. A schedule of three to four doses are usually given over a six to twelve month period. Your doctor will provide you with a vaccination schedule which must be followed closely in order to be most effective. If you have an infection at the time a vaccination is scheduled, your doctor may choose to delay the vaccination until you are better. SIDE EFFECTS: This medication may cause irritation, redness, swelling, warmth, itching, bruising or pain at the injection site. Other side effects include headache, weakness, fatigue, sore throat, fever, nausea, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, general body discomfort. If these symptoms continue or become bothersome, inform your doctor. Notify your doctor if you experience any of the following after vaccination with this medication: tingling of the hands or feet, trouble moving, stiffness, skin rash, difficulty breathing, chest pain, vision problems. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Last weekend wafi spend his time with his cousin, antiessss, tok n wan at kampung. tade pegi mane2 pun. sabtu g taman, cuci baju, then g bilion bt.42. ahad g baling ngn makcik n maksyu... here are some images of wafi's last weekend....
Wafi slept on our way to taman
lone ranger boy watching tom-tom bak
syoknye layan tv
mommy's view..
Da next morning, on Sunday mak lang n Ammar Wajdi arrived around 9 in da morning. Mak lang was accompanied Wan bought da new tiles for rumah kolam. N diz is da result dat morning...
Wafi starred at abg chaq played with his toys.. huhu.. jgnla marah wafi...
3 beranak... macam raye la pulak..
susah nak dpt moment macam ni..
ini lagi la susah...penat aku suh wafi senyum.. hahaha...
Waaa... diz is da most precious moment dat morning! Gud job wafi!
Wafi dok tendang2 buai abg chaq... syok die tengok bende gantung2 begerak kne tendang!
~as usual, da penutup::Wafi n mommy
*updated: wafi's hair has been tarah by his pak teh last saturday using no.2 punye mata..
hadeiii... aku xtau la nape wafitoku ini.. beberapa hari ni xmo ditinggalkan seorang diri+kadang2 xmo letak... xkan marah sebab lom rasmi stroller die kot?? hehe.. sabarla wafi, mummy bz ni.. balik dah penat.. time nak bawak wafi jalan je, wafi pun tido... mm... xpela.. sok malam kite jalan2 okehh??? *aku tengah pk nak ajak sape jalan2.. anyone free??? auntie ball tengah bz nak kne evaluate... uncle zafir ok ke nak teman wafi jalan2 sok malam? hehe....