Friday, February 27, 2009

.:bad cough again:.

Today, on 10.00am, Wafi's already in Doc Lam's room.
Wafi, last check up kan Doc dah pesan...
"Jangan suke jumpe Doc, ingat x?"..

Ayat Doc yang xabes ialah:
"Nanti your mother will ruined out of money"


Hm.. nak wat camane... dah 2-3 hari ni memang ujan saje...
Maybe Wafi xtahan sejuk kot...
Yesterday die batuk sekali dua je, n xdengar bunyi kahak...
N last nite time tido die batuk teruk
+ berkahak + hear some sounds when he breathing..

Diz is dangerous!!!
Kalo lambat bertindak kang kene duduk wad lagi...
Setiap penyakit ade ubatnye kan??
Tapi kene berusaha la find da cure
Credit to Antie Susu+Uncle Abu coz send him to da clinic...
N becoz of rushing aku lupe nak draw duit.. haiya...
Seb baik ade Uncle Abu... "Wafi pinjam duit ye, Uncle..."
N da result of da check up is:::
inilah ubat² yang Wafi should take...
Yang dalam botol tu for lungs+flu

N yang packet² kecik tu for his symptoms of asthma..

All for RM116 sajork.. hehe..
ikutla nasehat Doc ye Wafi.. jangan suke jumpe Doc...

Seb baik kali ini Uncle Abu support.. ye ke? Hehe...

inilah die ubat yang berharga RM5.30 per packet itu..

Hopefully Wafi sehattt dengan
stok ubat sebulan ini... InsyaAllah.... Please pray for him....


m@Ri@ said...

ish mak wafi nak kena babab ni..jg anak sedara aku tu bebaik..demam lg wafi demam rindu kat ayah..wei rindu la kat hang n huda..

mummy_adam said...

cian nyer wafi.. get well soon yer dear.. XOXOXO

zuhdi d.i.y

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

wafi w.i.f.i

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie